Monday, November 30, 2009


I was invited to Guillaume and Talata on Saturday to celebrate de tabaski. This is the sheep that we ate:

All sheeps are barbecued like this on the tabaski. This is me eating the sheep (there were vegetables as well):

Me and Monique are on the mission to find the best ice-cream in Niamey. Le Pilier, an italian resturant has been the favourite for a long time, but now we have found something else:

The homemade ice cream by Souley. Lucky (and unlucky) me because he had made a new flavour every other day this week for the tabaski that we in the house were allowed to taste. Unlucky me because I had the amoebas in my belly and didn't really feel like eating so much...

Going home I hade the honour to sit next to the remainings of the sheep:

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