Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kuri Cattle (Vache Kouri)

Lake Chad has an endemic species, the kuri cattle. The kuri cattle has enormous horns. It is said that this is to be able to float when they swim in the lake. But at the moment it's just a rumour.

The kuri cattle can only live at the lake, as it has adapted its diet to it. Because of this there are not many remaining as it's not that popular for the farmers to have a cow that can only survive at the lake. There are a lot of crossbreads though, between a kuri cattle and a "normal" cow". The crossbreads can survive outside the lake. When I was at Diffa I really wanted to see one, but we were never that close to the lake. I did see crossbreads though.

I have a photo on a real kuri cattle. It is taken by Steve Anderson who is a very talented photographer and have given me his approval to put his photo here, so enjoy this:

And here is a photo of me wanting to pose with a crossbread:

But the cow didn't want to, not even when I bribed it:

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