Sunday, November 22, 2009

My weekend

At the moment I'm writing on my report and therefore don't have time for much else, but still I have enjoyed myself this weekend. On Friday I looked at a play. It was nice, but too short. They did around 3-4 sketches. We were sitting outside and I was freezing a little. But still, it was only about 22 degrees. I could easliy wear a sweater in the evenings.

Yesterday at noon I was invited to Juliette, Manu, Vanessa and Hélene for a "pre-tabaski". Next weekend is the tabaski (don't know about the spelling). Tabaski is a islamic feast where you eat sheeps. So yesterday it was a sheep on the menu (next to a goat):

They have made cakes for dessert as well:

We were sitting on very interesting plastic chairs:

It was nice to meet and talk to other people I haven't met yet. It was nice as well to think about something else than the writing!

1 comment:

  1. Frysa vid 22 grader?! Det får du ta och vänja dig av med om du ska komma tillbaka hit. Fast vi har det faktiskt väldigt varmt, 12 grader idag.
