I'm back safe and sound in Sweden. The travelling went well. I didn't get so shocked as I thought I would be arriving at the airport in Paris. But as it was 6 a.m. people are to tired to stress... The biggest change was that the cold water actually was cold when I washed my hands. Then when I bought a bottle of water I had to stop myself to start asking the salesman "ca va bien?" "et le travail?" (in eng: how are you, and how's the work going?). Going from Paris to Copenhagen I had 2 kgs of overweight, but luckily the check-in lady didn't say anything.
My parents waited for me at the airport and I was this happy to see them!:

Me wating for the train to Sweden. I got a winter jacket (the pink one I'm wearing above) from my housemates as a goodbye present. I didn't bring any with me in Niger. My mom was nice to take my swedish one, made for swedish winter, with her to the airport:

I'll celebrate New Year's at my aunt's. I quickly found my favourite spot in the house:

This photo is exclusively for Marie (it's me and my mom playing a game):
Comme on dit ici "bonne arrivée!" et puis bonne année aussi...